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If you've ever been frustrated by someone beating you in chess only because they didn't just learn the rules but studied some opening and end games, then KEIZÁR® gives you the chance to beat them. KEIZÁR® is a two-player competitive strategy game that combines the board and the moves from chess with the randomness of a card game. As a result, the board is never the same, you can't prepare by studying patterns and scenarios, you have to come up with a strategy on the spot. 


it isn't chess!

In chess the pieces move according to their quality, regardless of their position on the board. In KEIZÁR® however, the pieces move and may capture the opponent's pieces according to the tile they are standing on.

To win the game a player should enter or capture the KEIZÁR® tile and hold it for three of the opponent's moves. Watch this video for a full explanation of the game, set up and rules. 

Or if you'd like to read all this, then here is the rule book.

© 2024 KEIZÁR® and Zuboard Games™

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